Voyager Cosmic Ray Subsystem Archive

A NASA Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO) Repository

Available Resources

Update: 2022 H, He, and Rate data up to March 31, 2022 is now available

NOTE: Corrections have been applied to the Voyager 2 Proton and Helium flux data from DOY 179/2019 (June 28) due to the turn off of the Voyager 2 CRS Heaters. Flux data from DOY 160/2019 to DOY 178/2019 (June 9 - 27) is not available.

See Voyager-2 Temperature Corrections for additional information.

The measurement unit for all fluxes is: PARTICLES / M2-S-SR-MeV/Nuc
The measurement unit for all rates is: COUNTS / SECOND